- Try to get the textbook information from your college bookstore for the particular classes you're enrolled in. Either call them or visit in person (some bookstores will give you the info over the phone, some won't). Write down the book title, author, edition and ISBN from the back. Also write down any supplements that come with it and whether it's a required text or an optional text.
- Email your instructors to find out which books they actually require for their particular class and which ones you might be able to do without.
- Go online to www.campusbooks.com and enter your book information. This is a great site that will show you tons of online bookstores that carry your books and you can comparison shop through that site.
- When you're done with the books, go back to www.campusbooks.com, ebay or craigslist to sell them.
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3 years ago
You might want to consider cash4books.net as a resale option as well. I've used them and found the site very simple.